ProductDyno + Convertri
integration explained…
If you’re ready to integrate Convertri with ProductDyno, you’ll find the process really simple.
Check out this quick video tutorial for the full instructions here
It’s a good idea to get accounts with several payment processors. If one goes down (and it does happen), you can swap it out with one of your alternatives. That means you can be back up and running in just a couple minutes.
But here’s something else… It’s also a good idea to use multiple payment processors just to see which one converts the best for you. Some of them are branded with trusted names. Some create the order form for you, while others let you customize the form. These sorts of options can have significant impacts on your conversion rate, so it’s worth testing these factors.
Here's one for you to consider: Convertri.
If you’re interested in using Convertri here are a few reasons to consider it:
Incredible page speed: slow sales pages kill conversions, and most page builders come with a lot of bloat. Not Convertri - it's built from the ground up to make pages load fast.
Better conversions: Page speed alone can deliver huge conversion boosts - Same offer, copy and design... but one faster loading pages return Worth checking out right?
Premium hosting: Included with this platform. Launches on Convertri have seen 12,000 hits in just a few hours and the system didn't even blink.
Integrated shopping cart: Allows subscriptions, one-click upsells and bump-sells to deliver strong ROI from your marketing campaigns.