ProductDyno + Kyvio
integration explained…
If you’re ready to integrate Kyvio with ProductDyno, you’ll find the process really simple.
The video for the full instructions coming soon...
One of the things you may have noticed about ProductDyno is that it integrates with a lot of other popular platforms, including some of the top email service providers.
We are excited to now integrate with Kyvio...
ProductDyno is a great membership site platform, and our team creates some solid features that a lot of new Kyvians (that is what Kyvio calls their users, cool huh!) are using so they decided that this integration should definitely happen!
When you set up this integration, you can allow ProductDyno members to also login to their Kyvio Smart members area with their ProductDyno info! You can also add members to your ProductDyno members area using the (lead-gen) forms in Kyvio's Smart Funnels. Plus you can do the same for purchases with Automation inside Smart Memberships.
Here are some of the reasons to love Kyvio:
Kyvio helps you turn your passions to profits, without a bunch of technical hoopla that you do not need nor want. It's quick and easy to use in creating profitable sales funnels, lead gen funnels and to setup your email marketing plus a lot more...
- Kyvio is a marketing platform that lets you sell both digital and physical products to our customers. It comes with a Funnel Builder, Membership Builder, Email Marketing Center as well as an Affiliate Center.
- Kyvio is Mobile-optimized and with billions of mobile users in the world - you know that is important.
- Kyvio has multi-user included Interactive onboarding.
- It's a really incredibly simple web-based service - No skills or experiences needed
- And a nice feature is the easy FB pixel tracking
- PLUS - Kyvio is developed by a fully distributed team with solid customer service and history in the marketplace.
Kyvio was developed by talented and well known software creators. They have a very good reputation in the niche, and they have a responsive online help desk and customer service team.