ProductDyno + SendGrid
integration explained…
If you’re ready to integrate SendGrid with ProductDyno, you’ll find the process really simple.
Check out this page with a tutorial for the full instructions:
By default, the transaction emails that ProductDyno sends (such as the “welcome” email) are sent from a ProductDyno address. However, you have the complete flexibility to have them appear to come from your own email server or provider.
One way to do that is by signing up with a service such as SendGrid. Here are the benefits of this service:
- The dashboard is easy to use, and there is plenty of documentation to get you up and running fast.
- SendGrid provides the core features you need such as reporting on open rates and link tracking, email templates, suppression list management and more.
- Their pricing structure is based on a combination of how many emails you send, how many contacts you’ll be storing, and the features you need. Thus, you can scale up with SendGrid as your business grows.
One thing to note is that SendGrid’s lowest-priced service plan includes a shared IP. You’re better off choosing a plan with a dedicated IP, as some users have suggested that shared IPs may get flagged as spam or blacklisted.