ProductDyno + Stripe
integration explained…
It’s a good idea to get accounts with several payment processors. If one goes down (and it does happen), you can swap it out with one of your alternatives. That means you can be back up and running in just a couple minutes.
But here’s something else… It’s also a good idea to use multiple payment processors just to see which one converts the best for you. Some of them are branded with trusted names. Some create the order form for you, while others let you customize the form. These sorts of options can have significant impacts on your conversion rate, so it’s worth testing these factors.
Here's one for you to consider: Stripe.
If you’re interested in using Stripe, check their list of countries to see if the platform is available where you live. You’ll also want to make sure that your business falls within the platform’s terms of service.
- Stripe lets you set up recurring billing, as well as payment add-ons so that your customers can customize their purchase.
- One unique feature is that Stripe lets you manually enter your customer’s payment information, which means you can accept orders at events or over the phone.
- Stripe has a very good-looking on-form checkout and payment flow solution, plus it’s PCI compliant so that you know your customers’ information is secure.
- You can accept all major credit cards through Stripe, plus options such as Bitcoin, Alipay and ACH debits. (Take note that your options are more limited if you live outside the United States.)