ProductDyno’s New WordPress Plugin Has Launched!

In case you haven't heard yet or you didn't check your emails from us (oh no! ) ...We have launched the new ProductDyno WordPress Plugin!

ProductDyno is a user friendly SAAS platform. You can get started instantly no hosting, no domain required. It's loaded with features and also very user friendly...and now, if you run your website on WordPress, you’re in luck because we’ve created a plugin that makes it super easy to secure your content directly into your WordPress pages!

ProductDyno is a sophisticated web app and it now has a very sophisticated WordPress Plugin.

As is our practice at PromoteLabs, the team has been listening to feature requests (and of course using the products ourselves) and updating so that this product will work wonders to securely deliver ALL of your digital content, license your software/plugins or launch any new, information-based project you want to get off the ground.

At ProductDyno we’re committed to ongoing platform development to guarantee long-term scalability and value for users and a plugin for WordPress is just the next smart step in our roadmap to being the best we can be. 

So, if you are looking for a new way to  ...have content on a WordPress site that you sell access to and want to deliver securely by ProductDyno and/or want to be creative and use your favorite WordPress powered themes to design your membership areas ....

All without the headaches of using complex, limiting or expensive software services, then we have you covered!

Why would you want to use ProductDyno's WP Plugin?

Because first of all, unlike other WordPress membership plugins, the ProductDyno WordPress Plugin allows you to run any number of membership programs under one domain.

There’s no exact science or specific formula that will accurately predict how many people are 'maybe' going to join your membership or how many products you will want to offer your members. So why would you want to restrict yourself by using a membership plugin that caps the amount of clients you can have or products you can add!!?

That is what we thought, too. So ProductDyno has ZERO restrictions on how many members you can have in your account. Yep, ZIP, ZERO, NADDA Restrictions, you can sell 100 products or 100,000 products – It’s up to you!.

And second... It is INCREDIBLY EASY TO INSTALL AND USE (especially for how securely that it can protect your content)!

So, let's dive right in, if your content is already set up on a WordPress site, it is simple to install ProductDyno's plugin to secure and deliver your content in WordPress...You just need to follow a few simple steps!

Two Step Install ...


Go to your WordPress website's administration dashboard and click on Plugins. It will have a dropdown - Click the highlighted text that says "Add New". 


Type "ProductDyno" into the keyword search bar (make sure you do not add a space between Product and Dyno!) then click "Install Now" button and it will automatically install. Wait just a few moments and the Install button will turn into a "Active Now" button. Click that and you are done!

-Okay, if you count this last step as two steps then technically this is a three step process. But very simple, you must admit. The next part is syncing your plugin with your ProductDyno account and that is another very simple process...

Sync Your ProductDyno Account with Your WordPress Plugin


Now that your plugin is installed, you will see ProductDyno showing up in your sidebar view.

Click ProductDyno so you can connect your existing ProductDyno account to it. Start by clicking the open lock above the words "Connect"


Clicking the "Connect" icon will take you to the area where you need to add the API Key that you create within your ProductDyno account.


Creating your own private API within your ProductDyno account is easy. Just login to your account >Go to the "My Account Section and scroll down to the API Keys area.

Click the button that says +Add API Key

Then type something wonderful and original into the "API Key Title" box like ProductDyno Plugin so you can identify it - Nothing to worry about, this is for you to see and know what it is; in the list of API Keys that ProductDyno automatically generates for you. See how it looks in the screenshot below...


Next, Go back to your WordPress administration dashboard (where we have left the page open in another tab of course) and paste the API Key that you just generated into the box on the Connect your Account area.

And click the UPDATE button. 

You will be able to tell that this simple process worked when the lock icon is closed and the words "Connect" are switched to "Connected"

Excited To Get Started?

Download ProductDyno's WordPress Plugin

Now you need to set-up your product as usual in ProductDyno and if you have not begun that step, you can visit our Quick Start Guide to ProductDyno - that is a pretty simple process too, using the wizard. Choose to host the content on your own site (but NOT choosing external content). You can add your product to a collection if you choose. But now that you have the plugin installed you do not need to add content that you already have on your WordPress site! 

If you like to learn from watching a video, below is a walk through of the whole process. And there are more very informative videos on our help pages => Watch ALL the how to videos here

ProductDyno is a powerful web app and it now has a very powerful WordPress Plugin but as intimidating as that may sound, it is super easy for anybody to set-up and securely start delivering their web content from an existing (or soon to be) WordPress blog.

Click the button below to go the the official WordPress dot Org website to download ProductDyno's Plugin today!

Andy Brocklehurst

"ProductDyno is so good that I've been migrating as many of my products as I can into it."

Don't Have ProductDyno?
Why Are You Waiting!

We are so confident that you will absolutely love ProductDyno that we offer a full 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. We take all the risk so you don't have to and you can get started today...

Good Ways To Create A Monthly Membership

You may have noticed a trend toward creating monthly subscriptions (another term for membership! ) in just about every industry you can think of—books, video games, movies, television, music, apps, services, food, clothing—you name it, there’s probably some sort of subscription option associated to it. You can even get razor blade deliveries with an automated, monthly subscription option!

Think about all the different companies that have started monthly recurring membership programs and it’ll quickly become apparent just how profitable they must be, right?

Amazon has Prime, Kindle Unlimited, and its Fresh program. Then just think..You have streaming content providers like Netflix and Hulu. There’s music like Pandora, and Spotify, and Apple Music, and Google Music. You have video games that charge monthly fees—everything from MMORPGs like World of Warcraft to tiny little music apps that charge a few bucks a month to access karaoke songs, songs you can play on a virtual piano, etc. It makes your head spin with all the services available.

Not to mention, there are also unlimited magazine and book apps where you can pay a monthly fee to gain access to new book releases, and digital magazines.

Then there is the whole monthly “crate” or subscription box model that has taken the Internet by storm. This is where customers receive themed membership boxes every month around things like fitness, beauty, parenting and tech, all charging a monthly subscription fee... and on and on and on!

There’s one main reason so many major companies are moving toward monthly subscription offers—they are incredibly profitable!

But an online membership website is one of the most profitable type of membership programs of all, because you have no inventory or shipping to deal with!

In this post, we’re going to talk about how you can start your own membership site in just about any niche or genre you can think of, how to find members and successfully launch your membership program even if you haven’t done it before.

 Jeremy Gislason. Co-Founder of Promote Labs, Inc. Entrepreneur, investor, online business owner and marketer and launched his membership site in Jan. 2005.

"Making money from membership sites is a fantastic way to earn a living online. If your subscriber numbers reach a large enough number, you could be earning several thousand dollars per month. Many people have replaced their full time jobs just by running one or more successful membership tasks."

Why You Need a Membership Site

The biggest reason companies are moving to monthly subscriptions is to provide a steady flow of income that does not require additional advertising expenditure to maintain.

Yes, your membership site income may fluctuate from time to time. There will be months where you experience a higher number of cancellations due to several different reasons such as: an economic downturn, or an update you made that didn’t strike a chord with members.

But you will have months where you generate a stream of new members as well, which will immediately increase your overall monthly income. So, no worries, it’ll all balance out if you are actively engaging members and always looking for ways to reach new subscribers and tap into your market.

Ultimately, membership sites are a pretty stable source of income, but there are other advantages, as well.

If you’ve ever sold physical products, then you understand how expensive it can be to get started. Acquiring physical products is prohibitively expensive in the beginning, and if it doesn’t sell, you’re stuck with all that inventory.

With membership sites, it’s possible to create all of the content entirely yourself. Or you can outsource it to qualified freelancers at affordable rates and free up your time.

Or, depending on your niche, you can even buy premade content from places like (which is a great membership site to learn from...)that you can use to power up your membership program. Just be sure to check out the licenses that come with the private label content to ensure that it’s allowed to be used in membership sites.

Membership sites can also be a great way to stay in touch with your customer base, as well as to build authority in your market. You can also have a forum or private Facebook group for members only and build your own social network that encourages members to share content and resources.

Best of all, these people are paying customers, so you can sell additional products to them both inside the members’ area and through email campaigns! It’s a great way to introduce people to other products, or network with others by joining their affiliate programs and maximize your income easily.

Once they join as a member and see the quality you deliver, they will trust you enough to buy higher ticket products later.

Membership Websites 101

Before we get into the actual development of a site, let’s talk about some of the most basic aspects of membership sites, just in case you’re not entirely familiar with how they work.

A membership site is typically based in a popular and evergreen niche, such as internet marketing, weight loss, crafts, self improvement or fitness. Each month, new content is added, which customers can access as long as they continue to pay their membership fees.

There are several ways to deliver content to members:

  • You can give immediate access to this month’s content only.
  • You can give immediate access to this month’s content, and drip feed bonus content each month over time, rewarding those who remain a member of your site.
  • You can give access to content starting with the first month and going forward, which is appropriate for sites that are educational in nature and require sequential content.
  • You can give immediate access to all content at once, plus any additional content as it is added.

There’s no right or wrong way to deliver content. How you choose to deliver your content will be based on your particular needs.

Generally speaking, if your site is educational, it will probably need to drip feed starting from the first month. Otherwise, you can give access to all content at once, or, to keep members longer, you can only give access to a certain amount of content each month. This is called “drip feeding”.

Some membership site owners choose to not give members access to past months’ content. This is done to keep people from waiting a few months and joining to get several months’ worth of content for the price of just one month, and makes it fairer for current members who may have paid for several months.

This is mostly done when the content is limited in some way, such as PLR membership sites. The content would be devalued if too many people got access to everything for the price of just one month.

It’s important to keep your membership updated every month to keep members paying. Most people are too busy to worry about canceling a membership if it’s not too expensive, but you don’t want to give them a reason to make the decision to cancel.

You might also choose to update slowly throughout the month to make sure people who sign up for a trial membership (if you offer one) don’t get a full month of updates during the trial and then cancel.

Setting Up a Membership Site

Setting up a membership site is a lot easier than you probably think. You just need to build a website, create a method for users to join and pay their monthly fee, and provide a way for members to download their content.

Think you need programming knowledge, or you need to be a spectacular designer? Nope. All you need is a basic sales letter convincing them to join, a page for users to download the content, and a simple script to handle usernames and passwords and protect content.

There’s a plethora of scripts out there to help you run your membership site, but one that operates on WordPress is probably the easiest to use.


There are many different plugins available for WordPress that will help you set up a membership site in no time. If you don’t know HTML and CSS and such, WordPress is the best option for creating your site.

At one point, most of the membership plugins for WordPress were prohibitively expensive, which prevented a lot of people from setting up a membership site, even if they wanted to.

But these days, there are many different options to choose from in prices to fit every budget and with options to fit pretty much anything you need to do.

One of the easiest ways to create a membership site is with Product Dyno, (of course) available at the main site here 

With Product Dyno, not only are you able to quickly set up protected download pages for individual products or collections, but you can easily build a recurring membership website without having to host any off your own content. 

It’s also one of the more affordable options, and completely newbie-friendly in the event you haven’t created a subscription site before.

Product Dyno is constantly evolving to include new features, but as of the time of this writing they’ve already loaded the product with tons of in-demand options, as well as a variety of payment integration options.

They also ensure that your products are securely protected so that only authorized, paying customers can access them. 

Having a membership site is pretty much useless if you don’t have a way to protect your content from unauthorized access, right? After all, why would people pay for a membership when they can just type in a backdoor URL and access it all for free? You could lose a lot of money by not protecting your content.

Thankfully, most membership software has built-in protection for the members’ area, and ProductDyno is one of those options.

ProductDyno will also allow you to protect a single product or multiple products with one interface. If you sign up for the unlimited plan, you can set up as many different membership sites as you’d like!

The system is very secure and won’t let thieves or digital pirates steal your products. You can even revoke a buyer’s access with the click of a button if they ask for a refund, initial a chargeback, or break the terms of their usage license.

Plus, you can use the same system to protect any other products you sell, not just membership sites. So, if you create a single product, you can use ProductDyno to protect the download for that, too.

Finding Members

Getting members into your new membership site can be tricky, and unless you already have an email list in the genre, you’ll have to start from scratch. Thankfully, launching a membership website isn’t all that difficult to do if you’ve designed your program around a hot, evergreen niche where there is a demand for your type of content.

To start, you can use a combination of free and paid promotion methods. 

Here are a few quick and easy ways to get started:

Paid Promotion

Paid promotion is the easiest way to generate traffic quickly, but it can be costly. For this reason, you might want to skip this method in the beginning, unless you have a considerable amount of money set aside for it or you have experience investing in paid advertising options.

If you do have the budget, Facebook Ads are perhaps the best way to get traffic to a membership site quickly, because you can use their extensive demographic and lifestyle data to create laser-targeted ads that will appeal to potential members.

For example, with Facebook advertising you are able to easily connect with people based on income, location, and interests. This makes it easy to find qualified prospects that are likely to be interested in your membership program.

Pinterest Ads can also be a great way to find new members. These ads tend to convert very well, especially if you have something that appeals to a wide range of people, or that falls within one of the most popular topic areas on Pinterest such as a recipe site, how-to guides, home based businesses, work at home or fitness.


In between paid promotion and free promotion, you’ll find affiliates.

Affiliates love promoting membership sites because they like getting that recurring paycheck on a regular basis! Those are the people you want to target. You want to make sure your affiliates know they will be getting paid recurring commissions instead of just once. This will be what draws them in.

If you find it hard to attract affiliates, you might consider offering them 100% of the first month’s membership fees, and something like 50% for each month thereafter. This will attract affiliates who prefer a higher percentage upfront, as well as those who love recurring income.

Sure, you will have some people who only subscribe one month, and you won’t make a profit from those people, but you will probably find that most people do stay longer and you’ll make your money over time.

Free Promotion

In some cases, free promotion methods can be even more effective than paid methods. Let’s take a look at some of the best free promotion methods for membership sites.

Facebook Groups

A few years ago, creating or commenting on posts within a Facebook page was a great way to get attention and generate traffic to your own Facebook page, which you could use to promote your own products and websites. However, now that Facebook has started showing posts to only a small number of people, pages just aren’t as useful as they once were. Plus, people don’t pay that much attention to comments anymore.

Groups, on the other hand, are still a good way to reach people and connect with your target audience.

Posts within groups reach more people than posts on pages, and better yet, they tend to get more interaction than fan pages.

Additionally, groups can be more carefully cultivated, because users can post there, not just the administrators. They’re basically like forums, which encourages deeper connections and ongoing activity.

If you don’t have your own group, you can join other people’s groups and reach their audiences. Just make sure you read their rules carefully and follow them to the letter.

Depending on your niche, you may even find Facebook groups that are specifically meant for advertising to members. If they have no rules posted, be sure to contact the group’s owner before you post and ask for permission to advertise your site.


Pinterest is a great option for attracting traffic, especially if you’re in a niche that is popular or trending on the site. Niches such as weight loss, recipes, beauty, fitness, fashion, art, graphics, crafts, photography, home and garden, and technology are all popular subjects.

Even if you’re not in the most popular areas, pinning content takes very little time, and could mean a significant amount of traffic for very little work.


Like Pinterest, Instagram has specific topics that perform better than others, but you can still build a following and get traffic even if you’re in an outlier niche.

Be sure to post actual content that is related to your niche and not just random stuff or ads all the time.

For example, if you’re in the fitness niche, you could post pictures of your workout or different fitness equipment you’re trying out. If you’re in the beauty niche, you could post pictures of various cosmetic looks and techniques.

Be sure you add several hash tags to every post, as this is the primary way people will find your posts!

Retaining Members

It’s not enough to talk about how to generate traffic and build your membership base. It’s just as important to discuss ways to keep those members for as long as possible.

The average customer tends to remain a member of a monthly recurring program for only about three months. Some cancel the first month. Others may stay for years. But generally speaking, you can expect most members to stay about 3-6 months.

Of course, there are ways to increase that average number—sometimes quite significantly. We’re going to talk about a few of those ways.

Why People Cancel Their Membership

Before we can talk about how to hold onto membership, we should first take a look at why members leave in the first place.

Here are a few of the most common reasons:

  • They can no longer afford it.
  • They’ve decided it is no longer meeting their needs.
  • They are unhappy with recent updates or changes.
  • The price changed.
  • They’ve outgrown the content.
  • They found a better price elsewhere.

You’ll notice that most of these are within your control, right?

One easy way to ensure that your members are satisfied with your content, as well as how to come up with ideas for future updates is by polling your customer base.  Create a survey that is designed to give your members a forum in which to share their thoughts and feedback regarding your membership site. Ask them what they would like to see in future updates.  Inquire as to what content they’ve enjoyed and what they feel could use improving. 

The more you make the site about them, such as by giving them a platform in which to share their experiences directly with you, and the more open you are to building content and updates around what matters the most to your customer base, the easier it will be to retain those members for a longer period of time.

It’s also a good idea to have a survey that appears when a member attempts to cancel their membership to your site. That way, you can find out exactly why they are canceling – giving you invaluable insight as to how to improve your subscription site.  

For example, if they say they can no longer afford it, you could offer them a free month, or a great discount that reduces their monthly costs.

A popular magazine app recently ran a campaign that offered members who attempted to cancel their subscription with a huge discount, lowering the $10-$15 monthly plan to just $5 per month for the next 3 months, before returning to $15 a month. This type of strategy can help keep members on board longer, and once the discounted period ends, many will stay longer at full price.

You could also offer them added bonuses that entice them to remain a member, or access to a secondary membership site for free.  The more value you provide, the easier it will be to boost retention rates and continue to expand your customer base.

Don’t let your content go stale.  Look for ways to keep your membership content fresh, updated and available in multiple formats.  Always keep a pulse on your market so that you know what topics are of most interest and what your members are looking for.

Communication is key. Reach out to members regularly through email-based updates.  Offer them extra content at no additional cost, bonus material or auxiliary components that enhance existing content and bolster the perceived value of your membership program.

Consider integrating a support desk, forum or live support so that your members can reach you easily.  Not only will this help to keep you connected with your subscribers, but a forum will help to encourage interaction between members, making your site sticky.

 In fact, many membership programs are thriving simply because members feel as though they are part of a community and don’t want to abandon that by canceling their membership account. I’ll include a few resources to help you get set up in the back page of this special report.

What's Next?

Building a membership site is a great way to generate consistent, recurring income, but it’s not something that can be entirely automated.

You’ll need to update regularly, communicate frequently, and work towards creating killer content that your members are more than happy to pay for.

You can however, simplify the process of keeping your membership site updated by creating 2-3 months of content in advance.

Stockpile new material so that you can easily update without waiting until the last minute only to find yourself overwhelmed every month.

Create a content calendar that outlines future updates.  Not only will that help you to stay organized and focused, but it will help you come up with new content ideas.

Be sure to...


Update regularly while retaining a high level of quality.


Ask members what they want to see in future updates, and communicate regularly.


Offer members who are canceling an incentive to remain in the form of discounts, bonuses or additional options.


Update regularly while retaining a high level of quality.


Deliver above and beyond expectations.


Work towards outdoing yourself every month. Don’t get comfortable with the same old content formats. Give your members additional options and always work towards expanding coverage or providing additional value.

Now that you are ready with all this advice...You can build and protect any kind of page inside ProductDyno and add any kind of content you choose including: Articles, Audios, Videos, Downloadable Files and Images and more. It's simple too (no coding required) just click/copy & paste.

More Products Equal Multiple Profit Streams

The more products you sell - the more money passively comes into your bank account. Fact.

Want to know the easiest and best ways to create multiple profit streams? Of course you do...

Most people use Private Label Rights (PLR) content to set up quick profit streams. But how are they juggling all the virtual products and not dropping any of the balls? And how do they pick the right content, what tools are they using to corral all the products...?

Here are the secrets to picking the right products and tools to create multiple product profit streams and how to keep all your balls in the air while earning passive income.

Private label content comes in many different forms.

You can find everything from eBooks, reports, and articles, to complete “business in a box” packages that include sales pages, lead magnets and even back-end products.

The problem isn’t in finding PLR. The trouble is in knowing exactly how to make money with it so you can maximize your profits!

We’ve personally used private label content in many different ways over the years, and if done correctly, PLR can ultimately maximize your income with very little time and effort on your part.

But before we begin, it’s important to understand that not all private label content is created equal.

The key to making money with PLR is to choose the best quality content possible. You then make simple tweaks and modifications to the content, and in the end, you end up with a polished, market-ready package that your customers will gladly pay for.

Private label content is one of the easiest ways to generate more content, which equates to more money.

After all, the more content you can put out there, the easier it gets to attract leads, subscribers and customers.  Content powers everything from marketing campaigns, membership sites, to backend systems.

Whether you’re a blogger, affiliate marketer or developer, you need fresh, targeted content that speaks to your audience and furthers your brand.

The problem is, creating content for your business can be incredibly time consuming.  Sure, you could outsource it to professional freelance writers, but if you’re on a limited budget that isn’t always an option. 

Private label content is an easy, cost-effective way to get this done.

PLR allows you to take someone else’s creation and brand it entirely as your own.

Better yet, you can often price it however you wish, use the content in many different ways, including membership sites, blogs and back-end systems.

It’s not only one of the easiest ways to maximize your income, but it’s also one of the fastest ways to kick-start a new business, marketing campaign, or to test out the waters in an unfamiliar niche.

In this special report, you’ll learn all about buying PLR content from qualified content specialists, and then selling that content at a much higher cost, while continuously extending your sales funnel so that you’re able to quickly maximize your income and set yourself up for long-term success.

Understanding License Terms

When you purchase private label content, it’s very important that you completely understand the terms of your license.

Even though PLR should always come with the option to edit the content and add your name and brand to the material, when it comes to distribution there are sometimes restrictions in place.

Understanding exactly what your license allows you to do before you even begin to use the content is extremely important.  You never want to risk any potential legal issues by utilizing PLR content in a way that goes against the developer’s terms and licensing restrictions.

Some of the things you want to pay close attention to when purchasing private label content include:

Whether you can edit the content.

PLR should always give you the option to customize the content, add your name, website URL and other branding information.

If you purchase content that doesn’t allow modifications, it’s usually called “Resale Rights” licensing, or “Master Resale Rights”.  Still, it’s important to be sure, even if they provide you with the DOC/source file. 

Claim Authorship. 

Private label usually permits that the buyer to claim authorship, meaning that you can put your name on the content as though you were the original creator.  Most other license types, such as RR (resell rights), or MRR (master resell rights) do not.

How the content can be used.

Never assume that PLR content can be distributed, sold and used in every way imaginable. Always check your license for information on any distribution restrictions (such as not being permitted to publish on Amazon, or other marketplaces), as well as any pricing restrictions.

Price Restrictions.

You may also want to pay attention to whether the seller has set a minimum price. Some sellers request that you do not sell the material below a set minimum to preserve the quality of the content. While this can’t typically be enforced legally, it’s always best if you follow the seller’s wishes. If you don’t like their license terms, find another PLR seller.

And speaking of licensing, whenever you purchase PLR, you should always be provided with a detailed, comprehensive license that leaves nothing to guesswork. If you can’t find a license in your package, reach out to the developer and ask for a copy. 

Just the same, if you are ever confused or unsure about the terms of your license, take a minute to contact the developer before you begin to use the content.

Not all private label content offers the same licensing options, so it’s always important to confirm with the developer prior to using the material. 

For example, there are many different forms of licensing, including:

Personal (non-transferable) Private Label:

With this license, you’re typically allowed to sell the content under your own brand, but you are not permitted to pass on those rights to anyone else.

Transferable Private Label:

These licenses often allow you to pass on private label rights to your customers.

Unrestricted Private Label:

This type of PLR license is the most flexible, often allowing you to do whatever you want with the content.

In addition, certain PLR developers will allow you to even give PLR away, provided within a membership site and not offered publically, while other developers don’t allow the content to be given away, requiring that it be sold.

The Value of PLR

Now that you better understand the difference licenses often attached to private label content, I want to take a closer look at the kind of private label content that will make you the most money, as well as PLR that is best to avoid.

To start, you should never buy private label content that comes with an “unrestricted” license.

An unrestricted PLR license means that you can do virtually anything you want to do with the content. You could give it away, sell it, share PLR rights with your customers, and distribute it openly and freely.

It’s easy to see what the problem is with this kind of license, right?

There’s no value in it!

You won’t be able to convince people to purchase this kind of content from you, if they’re able to find it on hundreds of other websites for free.  There’s no quality control in place. And that means it’s not going to help you further brand awareness, or even be content that you’ll want to attach your name to.  So, avoid unrestricted PLR whenever possible.  There are far better licensing options available.

On the flip side, the highest quality private label will only offer a limited number of PLR licenses.   This means that you’ll be one of only a handful of buyers to ever have a license to use this content. You won’t deal with an overload of competition, or worry about your ability to sell the content because it won’t be found freely online, or distributed by thousands of other sellers.

If you can find a high-quality PLR developer offering fewer than 100 licenses, grab a copy.  This will be the absolute best license you can find, and it’ll be much easier to sell the content and rebrand it as your own.

You also want to make sure that the PLR you purchase cannot be given away.  It should always have to be sold. The only exception to this is when purchasing a lead magnet PLR package.

Lead magnet PLR packages typically include a front-end report that people can use as an incentive to convert visitors into subscribers. 

While you still want to make sure that there are only a limited number of licenses being offered so that there isn’t a high number of copies in circulation, these PLR packages can be an easy way to set up lead pages quickly and easily.

For example, PromoteLabs has a good deal here  on a reseller pack that gives you the opportunity to make money reselling access to fresh new lead magnets every single month. People absolutely love these packages because they come with private label rights, allowing them to modify the content and use it to convert visitors into subscribers.

You could easily make money by becoming a reseller of a website like this, and better yet, you don’t have to spend time creating a membership site of your own because you simply direct your customers to your own sign up links, they pay you directly, and then they are automatically redirected to the lead magnet download center.

Regardless of how you decide to monetize private label content, when it comes to your licensing rights, you want to purchase PLR content that allows you to:

Sell It (with personal rights only, non-transferable)

With these licensing rights, you will be able to sell personal rights to the completed product, but will not be able to sell the content with private label rights to others.

This is exactly what you want because you are not interested in giving your customers the right to pass on the material to other people, but instead, they are purchasing a copy of a finished product for personal use only.

This helps to retain the value of the product and puts you in better control over distribution, while minimizing the amount of competition.

Modify It 

Most private label content allows you to modify and edit the content however you wish, including using portions of the content to create additional information products...more about how you can create high-quality compilations from PLR that you can sell for even more money a bit later.

Choose Your Own Price Point 

Many private label developers set a fixed price on what they believe their PLR product should be sold for. This is to protect the integrity of the product and to ensure that it retains its value.

You want to make sure you are given flexible rights with your PLR license so that you can set your own price on your product, not being restricted to specific price limits.

Sell It as Your Own (under your name)

Try not to get confused between Master Resale Rights and Private Label Rights. With Master Resale Rights (known as MRR), you are rarely permitted to change the content at all, and are not able to sell it under your own name.

In fact, the primary purpose of MMR content is to provide you with a completed product to sell, without having to do any modifications or improvements to the product.

However, the downside to using Master Resale Rights material is that you are promoting someone else’s brand. Since you can’t change the content, or add your name into the material, (unless it’s sold as re-brandable content), you will be potentially funneling your customers to the developer.

Think of this way: With private label content, you are protecting your source of content from prying eyes and competitors who want to know where you get your material from.

With Master Resale Rights, your source is visible, and while you can sell the product, keeping 100% of the profits, you will find it very difficult to build your own brand.

Making Money With PLR

When purchasing PLR, you should always have a plan in place for every package you purchase. One of the biggest mistakes that both new and seasoned marketers make when buying PLR is in “over stocking”.

What happens is that you end up buying too much PLR at once without any real idea as to how you’ll use, or monetize it and in the end.  Then, you end up with a hard drive full of content that you’ll never use. Or, by the time you end up formulating a plan for the content, it’s outdated and no longer in demand!

So, start off with a simple plan of action with a clear idea in mind for every PLR package you purchase. If you buy an eBook product, consider adding it in as a bonus item to enhance the value of another product, or if you purchase a series of PLR reports, consider forming a compilation that offers a full-scale tutorial program.

One easy way to make money with PLR is with compilations.

Here’s how to do it:

Gather up all the PLR content that you have on specific topics, making sure that you follow a theme. The idea to create a complete collection of products within one niche.

Compilations should contain a variety of PLR products that form a collective training program, so make sure that when you begin selecting products for your collection, that each one serves as a "module" that covers a specific area, and that together, you're able to deliver a complete training program.

For example, if you are interested in creating a compilation for the weight loss market, you could include a few reports on weight loss tips, and perhaps an eBook on dieting, healthy eating and even PLR work out videos.

Another example could be with IM products.  You could easily create a full-featured “Social Marketing Course” that includes information on how to successfully advertise your business within the different social media channels just by combining a series of PLR guides on things like Instagram, twitter and Pinterest.

Start thinking about your first compilation. What niche market are you interested in? What kind of content would you like to put together from PLR offers that would form a fully-loaded training product?

Then, start looking online for high-quality private label developers who offer content on those topics.  Rebrand it as your own with fresh graphics, polished formatting, and create a full-scale, comprehensive package!

Create Irresistible Bonuses

Bonus items increase the perceived value of products and launches, which is why you’ve likely noticed that most of the large-scale product launches offer a bundle of them.

Affiliates also use bonuses to entice potential customers into purchasing through their affiliate link instead of someone else’s. This is just one simple way that you can use PLR content to maximize your income!

Consider purchasing PLR that forms an auxiliary component to a major product launch’s overall theme or topic, and then offer it to customers who purchase from you.

For example, if you plan to promote a product launch on blogging, you could purchase a variety of PLR material ranging from WordPress themes to pre-loaded blog posts and offer it as a value-enhanced bonus for anyone who purchases through your link!

Bonus offers should always tie in directly with what's being offered and offer clear value. In fact, your bonus offer should always include a “value price” associated with it, so that potential customers know exactly what the bonus is worth, and how much money they can save by purchasing through your affiliate link.

You can easily set up bonus offers by creating an account at Commission Gorilla

Commission Gorilla gives you access to a full library of bonus products to choose from so that you can quickly create and save an unlimited number of bonuses. That way, they’re always ready for you to use when you need them. Check it out.

Create High Ticket Info Products

Believe it or not, you can also use private label content as the core foundation for your products.

While you will want to tweak and enhance the products so that they suit your own style and represent your brand, there is no reason why you can’t use PLR as the foundation in which to develop a series of high-end information products.

The objective is to be very particular with the type of PLR you purchase. Focus on credible PLR developers who offer ongoing support, and who hire only seasoned freelancers who can create polished, relevant and actionable content.

The higher the quality of the content, the less work will be involved in tweaking or improving it, so keep this in mind when choosing your private label content.  And again, only purchase private label content from developers who sell only a limited number of licenses. That way, you will be one of only a few who has access to this content.

Quite often, you should expect to pay more for quality!

This means that if you see PLR being sold for $5, chances are, the content is of poor quality, or low value because the developer will need to sell a lot of licenses to make up for the low cost. So, keep that in mind when looking for private label content.

Focus on only the quality of the content, and don’t worry about anything else.

You should always repackage PLR by hiring a designer to create new graphics that match your brand rather than use the graphics that come with the content (and are likely used by other marketers).  So, pay close attention to the content and don’t worry about the “wrapping”. 

If the quality of the content is solid, grab a license, touch up the content, format it, add your graphics and sell it!

List Building With PLR

Private label content is also extremely valuable at warming up buyers (pre-selling), as well as building and monetizing a mailing list.

In email marketing, one of the most important components is in providing regular updates and value to subscribers. It’s also one of the only ways to retain subscribers as well as build valuable relationships with those on your list.

So, use private label content to power up your mailing lists!

You can do this by breaking apart article content, or publishing PLR content as blog posts and then notifying your lists of your recent update and directing them to your website.

You can also use PLR reports and EBooks as incentive offers on your squeeze pages, to entice visitors into becoming subscribers.

Further, you can use PLR to provide regular, weekly follow up emails that contain pre-written autoresponder messages, enabling you to put your email marketing on complete autopilot!

If you have PLR content that details a step-by-step process, or a series of related tips, then you can easily turn this content into a multi-part e-course.

If you have enough of this content, you can even create an email series that runs completely on autopilot for 3 months, 6 months, a year or even more! (and don’t forget, video content works great for this to – just send your subscribers a video link along with the email messages and drive traffic back to your site!)

You need to give your prospective subscribers a good reason to join your mailing list. One way to do that is by offering a freebie that stands out from the rest.

While most marketers are happy to offer free reports or eBooks you can pull in more leads with great video content that potential subscribers place a much higher value on)

If you’re looking for high-quality PLR list building content that you can rebrand as your own and start using to build and power your mailing lists, you’ll want to take a look at: This LEAD PACK OFFER where you can pick up 6 done-for-you lead magnets, complete with private label rights.

Build Membership Websites

Another incredibly powerful way of making money with private label content is with membership websites. Continuity websites are extremely profitable because rather than acquiring a customer once, you develop a community where subscribers pay for access every single month.

You can put this strategy to the test in a few different ways, including by creating a PLR membership site that simply features new PLR and RR products every week. 

So, you essentially position yourself as a PLR distributor.

All you have to do is join a PLR membership site that allows you to resell the content. Then, add that material to your own membership site and charge anywhere between $10-30 a month!

An example of a membership website that offers high quality PLR content that you could use in your own continuity program is: Surefire Wealth

Surefire Wealth has been around for quite a few years, and it continues to remain a key source for quality content and releases. The greatest thing about Surefire Wealth is that you can also access a complete library of training material and guides for free just by visiting their website.

If you want unrestricted access to their complete inventory of training material as well as loads of high quality private label content, you can join as a paid member.

And as we’ve mentioned before, you can create your own unique content packages based on PLR compilations. Every month, you can use PLR to keep your site updated.

Then, create your own membership training center and offer the content every month to your members!  If you aren’t sure how to set up a membership site, look at ProductDyno

Product Dyno is one of the easiest ways to build a continuity website without having to install code or mess around with scripts and complicated configurations.

Regardless of your niche, your membership site should always have a theme.

So, if you’re interested in a niche like “Weight Loss”, all the information, tools and resources in your membership site should be centered about that particular topic.

If you want to branch out, create additional membership sites that can form a profitable network.

PLR can power up as many membership sites as you care to build!

Final Words


Here are a few other great ways to start making multiple profit streams with private label content:

Create a paid product with PLR content. You can set aside your best PLR content and use it to create paid products, such as fixed term memberships, physical product/home study courses, paid webinars and more.

Tip: For best results, compile multiple sources of PLR to create your own unique, killer product.


Utilize PLR content to create a viral report.

Do you have PLR content that seems particularly useful, engaging, entertaining or even better, controversial? Then use it to create a viral report that you distribute widely across your niche to bring in more traffic to your site.  

Turn text PLR content into a video

Don’t limit yourself to keeping your PLR content in its original text format. One way to expand its use is to turn text content into video content.   Then, upload to websites like and and drive in fresh, targeted traffic.

Compile PLR content to create a “vault” membership site

Do you have a lot of PLR content all in one niche? Then use it to create a vault-style membership site, that’s chock-full of videos, niche articles, reports & eBooks. Charge a one-time fee for entry and offer membership into your sales funnels as a limited time offer. Or create a free membership website in order to generate leads and build a customer list! 

Publish PLR content on your blog

If you don’t have any PLR articles, no worries – you can extract PLR from reports and eBooks to instantly create quick blog posts! Compile content from several sources to create a full-featured blog post that is share-worthy.

Create a podcast out of PLR content

Instead of posting regular text articles on your blog or Facebook wall, you can take the audio from videos to create a podcast. Best of all, you can then submit this podcast to podcast directories and connect with new prospects and customers!

I’ve given you many different ideas as to how you can begin to use private label content to build your business and maximize your income. Your next step should be to acquire the highest quality content possible, and to develop a plan of action for every package you purchase.

The Product Launch Catapult Can Be Easy To Build

Product Launch | Product Dyno

Are you launching a product or want to, soon?

Have you ever seen the power and profitability of a well-orchestrated, targeted product launch?

These guys can generate thousands of dollars on launch day, and go on to sell thousands more through their back-end systems, time-limited offers, and special deals available only to those who purchase during the launch phase.

In fact, if done correctly, even “first-time” product developers who have never launched a product before can easily build a targeted customer base that they can tap into time and time again, all from that one strategically organized product launch.

There’s no question; a carefully planned and executed product launch can catapult you into the six-figure earning bracket, and set you up for ongoing success.

There should be only one question on your mind right now:  How to get started!

Get Started on Product Launch with Product Dyno

You Got to Get Building the Foundation

You’ve more than likely heard the term “pre-launch”, which is when product developers begin to create buzz around their upcoming launch. This period is crucial to every successful launch strategy because it’s where you focus on building anticipation around your launch, and get people excited and ready to purchase when it goes live.

But there is another part of every pre-launch that not everyone talks about, and that’s what some of us call the “Foundation Launch”. 

In reality, it’s not really a launch at all, but more of a relationship builder because this is the time in which you begin to identify leaders and authority figures in your market and strategically place yourself in their line of sight.

These key players are usually established businesses, bloggers or marketers in your niche that can help you successfully launch your product.  And of course, this is also the time in which you begin to recruit affiliates and build your sales army. 

It’s important that you don’t overlook
the importance of spending time working on the foundation of your launch long before you move ahead with phase 2, when you begin to generate buzz and get people excited about your product.  Many new developers and product creators jump the gun, putting most of their attention and energy on the launch day itself, but it’s in the pre-launch and foundation building level where the real magic happens.

In fact, the more effort you put into your foundation building phase, the more successful your launch will be because not only do you have a solid team of promoters in place, but you’ve established yourself as a leader in your market, or at the very least, a credible source for high quality information and resources.

"You will want a strong foundation and not just toss together a bunch of pieces like a game that later will tumble to the ground with the first wrong move."

Building Product Launch with Product Dyno

Let’s take a closer look at how you can create a launch strategy that includes a foundation launch that will catapult your sales on your big day!

See Farther On The Shoulders Of Giants

It is an old saying but it's true, you can see farther and get farther on the shoulders of the people who know the process. That means you need to connect with those in the know.

In order to connect with the leaders and top affiliates in your market who will really push your product to the front line on your launch day, you need to first identify key players in your industry. 

Who are these people who have the means to drive targeted traffic to your website on launch day?

If it means pushing your product launch back a couple of months to give you the time to build relationships with leaders in your industry, and to get on their digital radar, it could make all the difference in your ability to successfully launch your product.
  • Who are the most influential players in your market? 
  • Who should you align with?
  • Who will help you extend and maximize your outreach?

Identifying authorities and key players in your market isn’t all that difficult to do, especially if you’ve been keeping a pulse on your industry already, and have done any sort of research prior to creating your product. By now you should be able to name at least 2-3 powerhouses in your market. Can you do that? If not, you should spend a bit more time researching your market and better understanding your niche.

Here are a few easy ways to find potential joint venture partners:

Bloggers are usually the easiest to identify and find, and quite often, the easiest to connect with.  

Not only are you given the opportunity to get to know them through their writing, and the type of content they provide, but you easily reach out to them and get on their radar just by responding to posts, providing useful information to those who have already left comments, and by reaching out directly.  

Don’t spam their blog posts with links to your website or product. The idea is to provide value by helping their readers in some way. Answer questions, thank them for their post, provide additional insight and be consistently active on their blog.  This is a great way to get on their radar without being pushy or intrusive.

Pro Tip: Study a few of the leading blogs in your niche to determine the type of products and services they promote. This will give you an idea as to whether they are likely going to be interested in promoting your product so you’re not wasting your time creating relationships with bloggers whose audience doesn’t match your target market.

You might be able to locate top affiliate marketers in your industry just by looking through affiliate marketplaces.  

Depending on how you plan to offer affiliates the opportunity to make money promoting your product, you might be able to locate top affiliate marketers in your industry just by looking through affiliate marketplaces like or other launch systems that reveal their top affiliates.

Tip: One way that I’ve kept a pulse on my market is by subscribing to the newsletters of established marketers.  Not only am I able to keep an eye on what kind of products they tend to promote, but by responding to some of the emails, I am able to build rapport with these affiliates and marketers so that they recognize me later when I ask them to promote my launch.  

Use your existing resources

If you have a mailing list, or an existing customer base of any kind, this is one of the first places you should go when developing your affiliate army.

Send out an email to your subscribers letting them know about your upcoming launch and offer them early-bird access to review the product as well as higher commission levels to those who can push your product out to a larger audience.  

Create a especially designed survey

You could pretty easily create a survey that is designed to collect feedback and information regarding what affiliates are looking for and most interested in.

I’ve used tools like to create surveys in a matter of minutes. The data you collect from direct feedback from your subscriber base is invaluable. Not only will it help direct you in creating future products, but it will help you design a product launch around what is more likely going to attract key players and top affiliates.0

'a.k.a. early birds'

You can also send out a survey to potential customers as well, asking them what their burning questions are, how you can better help them, and if you want to take things a step further – offer them access to your product before public launch as “beta testers” (either free, or at a reduced price).

These people will help you find bugs, provide feedback on the product itself and even provide ideas as to how you can create a backend system that includes additional money-making funnels through upsell offers!

You could even set up a private Facebook beta-access group and open up discussion about your product so that users can interact and you can gain insight into what potential customers like most as well as key areas that could use improvement. People love being part of limited, private groups as it makes them feel as though they are gaining access to something that isn’t available to everyone else.  You can send out an invitation link to your Facebook group early on, and begin to interact with your audience is a more personal, engaging way.

And finally, because we are ProductDyno - you need to implement a system that automates the delivery of your product while streamlining the entire process so that you are free to focus on maximizing your traffic.

One of the easiest ways to set up a content delivery system while automating the entire process is by using our service ProductDyno, at

ProductDyno works for all digital product formats including plugins, license software and of course, eBooks and it’s just one of the easiest ways to get set up with minimal cost and effort.

You can also use ProductDyno to create membership based websites where your content is securely protected until a subscriber has paid to access it.  It’s hands down one of the most simplified solutions online.  Be sure to check it out.